Calling of the Clans


In support of Beaver Island’s Emerald Isle Irish Féile

The Calling of the Clans Fundraiser is an authentic way to connect the historic Beaver Island families (Clans) to this amazing, growing festival, and its parent non-profit organization, Beaver Island Irish Heritage Group (BIIHG). The goal of BIIHG is to recognize, showcase, and preserve Beaver Island’s unique Irish Heritage including its connection to Arranmore Island, County Donegal, Ireland. In many ways, it is showcasing the evolution of the ties between the Beaver Island Clans and the Clans of Ireland; your families.

The Calling of the Clans is a fun and slightly competitive way for the Beaver Island diaspora (those who have ever called Beaver Island home or are descendants of those who have) to support the longevity of the festival. The Calling of the Clans in 2024 raised $28,000.00 from 170 donors. Clan donations came from these families: Boyle, Connaghan, Gallagher, Gillespie, Green/Greene, Martin, McCafferty, McCann, McCauley/Malloy, McDonough, McNamara and O’Donnell.

Not a member of one of the historic clans, but have a strong connection to Beaver Island? You can create your own clan (like the Heller-Perdue Clan did in 2023) and be a part of the evolution of Irish cultural heritage on Beaver Island; you can even develop your own Clan Crest!

This year, the clan with the most donations by Noon on Saturday, March 15th (almost the Great Day), 2025, will earn the title of CLAN OF THE YEAR, and have the esteemed privilege of adorning the festival’s Hearth Area with their family photos and heirlooms. Let’s see which clan will rise to the occasion and carry the honor, just as the McDonough Clan did in 2024!

All ‘Clans’ who raise at least $1000.00 will have a flag of their Family Crest on display at the Festival Headquarters – Holy Cross Hall. For our Calling of the Clans supporters, the festival will begin on Thursday September 4th with a “Holy Hour” event to kick off the féile and thank our Calling of the Clans Supporters for their generosity. This “Holy Hour” special event, hosted by Jerry Early, is an American take on a weekly festive gathering at Early’s Pub on Arranmore at which we will thank and recognize those who are supporting the longevity and expansion of the festival. To secure your spot at the Thursday evening event, contribute at least $50.00 to the clan of your choice and to include a plus one at the event, contribute at least $100.00.

Questions? Email:

To become a Calling of the Clans Supporter, please give a gift before Noon on March 15, 2025 – Almost The Great Day!




Adam Martin, Alice Belfy, Alli & Joe McDonough, Alyssia Varchetti, Amy Yachcik, Anne Conaghan, AnneMarie Monachino, Arthur Gallagher, Arthur Gallagher, Bailey McDonough, Barry McDonough, Barry McDonough, Beaver Island Gallery, Bernadette Cole, Beth Anne Lucas, Bill McDonough, Bob & Nean Smith, Bob & Nean Smith, Bonnie Cull-Rice, Brenden Martin, Brenna Wearn, Bridget & Travis Martin, Bridget Morrison, Brighid Gillespie, Brooke Slater, Carla Bradley, Carly Bell, Carol Gillespie, Carrie Nackerman, Casey McDonough, Casey, Brandon, Easton Kilcherman, Catherine Meintsma, Cathleen Runberg-Lynch, Chris and Melissa Welke, Chris McNamara, Christie Perdue, Christine McDonough, Cindy Novotny, Clyde Left, Cody Wilcox, Colleen Martin, Colleen McCann, Collin Green, Connaghan Construction, Courtesy Flush, Cristin Cole, CTL Systems, Dan McDonough, Dan McNamara, Dana Miller, Daniel Greene, Daniel Nackerman, Danny and Ann Nackerman, Dave & Monica Longlet, David Bair, Deborah Duris, Dennis Cull, Dennis Greene, Donald & Chris Boyle, Donald Boyle, Donald McCafferty, Donna Kubic, Drew McDonough, Elena Bair, Elizabeth Greene, Elizabeth Schwandt, Elizabeth Vrancheff, Erin Martin, Floyd and Susie Baker, Foundry Commercial, Francis McCafferty, Gary Breden, Great Lakes Woodworking, Green Leaf Farms, Hilary Palmer, Jane Baker, Jared Cole, Jared Wojan, Jean Camalletti, Jeanne Holden, Jim McDonough, Jim Murphy, John and Jeanne Gillespie, Johnnell LaFreniere, Jordan McDonough, Judy Swartz, Julie Gillespie, Julie Nathe, Juliya Lubin, Kali Delamater, Karen Wojan, Katelyn Dusdal, Kathleen Fortunate, Katrina Martin, Kayla Anderson, Kellie Sopczynski, Kelly Arthur, Kelly Ireland, Kevin Green, Kevin Green, Kevin McDonough, Kitty McNamara & Mike Green, KM Contractors, Kyle Wojan, Leah Sirrine, Leaha Cary, Linda Wearn, Lindsay McDonough Gorlewski, Lisa Ferris-McCann, Loretta Slater, Lynn Boyd, Lynn Faber Kendro, Lynn McDonough, Lynn McNamara Blue, Mackenzie Cole, Maeve Green, Mara McDonough, Marge Boyle, Marie Lafreniere, Mark & Ellen Newman, Mark and Jacque LaFreniere, Martin Gaddy, Mary Beth Nelson, Mary Delamater, Mary Nackerman Muto, Mary Palmer, MaryBeth Lisek, Mary-Mac McNamara, Maureen Cull, Megan Lane-Cull, Michelle LaFreniere, Mitchell & Helen McNamara, Molly Wagner, Nancy Plumley, NDA, Neal Boyle, Neal Green, Neil Gallagher, P&L Transportation, Inc., Pam O’Brien, Pat and Julie Greene, Paul & Shirley Cole, Peg Wilcox, Rachel Becker, Randi Hunter, Ray Vining, Renee Morse, Renee Rycraft, Richard Gillespie, Robert Cole, Robert McNamara, Robert’s John Service (RJS), Rose Peters, RoseAnn Deford, Russell Green, Sandi Smith, Sarah Greene Perkins, Sarah MacLean, Sean McCafferty, Shannon & Brad McDonough, Shannon & Brad McDonough, Shar Ann Huston Chesshire, Shawn McDonough, Stacey Ng, Steve & Brigid McNamara, Steve Boyle, Susan Snow, Tara Palmer-Pop, Terry Left, Theresa McDonough, Thomas McCafferty, Tim McDonough, Timothy Wearn, Todd & Julie McDonough, Tom & Laurie McDonough, Tory Fingerle, Tracey McCafferty, Travis Martin, Turner Wardius, Universal Sign Systems, Victor Duran, Vincent Left, William Wilde, Zander Holmes

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